Coral Beauty Angelfish Care Guide
- Care Guide & Requirements
- Reef Safe
- Prices
- Food & Diet
- Facts
- FAQs
- Tank Mates & Environment
One popular species of angelfish is the Coral Beauty Angelfish, or Centropyge bispinosa. It features a colorful blue and yellow appearance, and its ease of care makes it a great beginner fish. Here we’ll go over how to properly care for this fish and help determine whether it’s the right pet for your saltwater aquarium.
Is the Coral Beauty Angelfish reef safe?
The Coral Beauty Angelfish is potentially reef safe, but you will need to keep an eye on the fish in a reef tank as some fish may attempt to nip at the coral. It depends on the individual fish. If you find that your fish is nipping at your coral, you may want to transfer the coral to another reef-safe environment.
Coral Beauty Angelfish food and diet
The Coral Beauty Angelfish is omnivorous, so be sure to feed your fish plenty of vegetation and invertebrates. Some foods you can give your Coral Beauty Angelfish include Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, marine algae, and Spirulina. You can feed this fish in small amounts multiple times throughout the day.
Coral Beauty Angelfish FAQs
What is the Coral Beauty Angelfish lifespan?
Coral Beauty Angelfish do very well in captivity. The right environment can protect them from potential diseases and bacterial infections. Because of this, they have the ability to live as long as eight to 10 years in captivity, although they’ve been known to live up to around 15 years in the wild.
What are the tank requirements for the Coral Beauty Angelfish?
When keeping a Coral Beauty Angelfish, you need a sizeable tank of around 70 gallons or larger. They’re a relatively large fish, with adults reaching about four inches long, and they require ample space to swim. If you want to keep more than one fish, your tank should be over 100 gallons. Your tank should also contain plenty of live rock to allow for foraging and hiding.
They fare well in traditional saltwater aquarium water conditions. This means you can keep your water at a temperature of around 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, the pH level at 8.0 to 8.4, and the specific gravity at 1.025.
Regarding lighting, you don’t need more than a moderate level of light, seeing as these fish typically live deep underwater.
How long does it take Coral Beauty Angelfish to grow?
It typically takes around a month for newborn Coral Beauty Angelfish to become visible to us. They’ll continue to grow for the next couple of months and can eventually feed on larger food. Over time, their appearance will more closely resemble the traditional Coral Beauty Angelfish.
Coral Beauty Angelfish price
The price of a Coral Beauty Angelfish can vary greatly, depending on where your buy the Coral Beauty Angelfish. Prices generally depend on the size and maturity of the fish, as you can buy juveniles for cheaper compared to more mature fish. Generally, you can find these fish at prices ranging from as little as $20 or as much as over $200.
Coral Beauty Angelfish facts
The following are some interesting facts you might not know about the Coral Beauty Angelfish:
- It’s difficult to gauge just how many Coral Beauty Angelfish are out there, seeing as they tend to hide in the presence of divers.
- Coral Beauty Angelfish tend to stay in the same area individually or in small groups as they’re incredibly territorial. This makes them unlikely to venture far from their chosen spot.
- All members of this species are protogynous hermaphrodites. This means that they begin as females, with the dominant fish turning into a male.
What other fish are the best tank mates for the Coral Beauty Angelfish?
Coral Beauty Angelfish are often aggressive, but only toward fish of the same species. On the other hand, they’re semi-aggressive and could pursue other tank mates out of competitiveness.
If you want to keep other fish in your tank with a Coral Beauty Angelfish, stick with semi-aggressive or peaceful fish. Some ideal tank mates for this species include Firefish Gobies, Clownfish, Yellowtail Blue Damselfish, and Cardinalfish. You may also be able to add larger fish such as Tangs, larger Damselfish, and Dottybacks.
In addition to fish, you may also include some invertebrates that aren’t likely to become food, including various species of shrimp, starfish, and clams.
Where to buy Coral Beauty Angelfish?
You can buy Coral Beauty Angelfish from several online shops out there, including:
The Coral Beauty Angelfish is among the best beginner fish out there, making it a popular option for many aquarists. If you’re searching for the perfect fish to liven your tank, you can’t go wrong with this species.