The Firefish—scientific name Nemateleotris magnifica—is a beautiful fish that’s suitable for nearly every saltwater tank. This fish is generally pretty affordable and easy to find, and it’s not too difficult to maintain.
Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced aquarist, you’ll likely find the Firefish to be a great addition to your tank.
The following are some interesting facts you might not have known about the Firefish:
It can be a little tricky finding the right tank mates for Firefish because of their behavior. While this fish is often peaceful and easy to get along with, it’s also fairly neurotic and can easily scare, so you want to find fish that aren’t too aggressive and won’t frighten your Firefish.
Some of the best tank mates for a Firefish include:
On the other hand, you should avoid keeping your Firefish with Dottybacks, large clownfish, and Pygmy angelfish.