
Firefish Care Guide

  1. Care Guide & Requirements
  2. Reef Safe
  3. Prices
  4. Food & Diet
  5. Facts
  6. Tank Mates & Environment
  7. FAQs

The Firefish—scientific name Nemateleotris magnifica—is a beautiful fish that’s suitable for nearly every saltwater tank. This fish is generally pretty affordable and easy to find, and it’s not too difficult to maintain.

Whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced aquarist, you’ll likely find the Firefish to be a great addition to your tank.

Is the Firefish reef safe?

One of the main benefits of the Firefish is that it is extremely reef-safe. The Firefish might be active and potentially jump out of the tank without the right measures, but it’s not aggressive and doesn’t nip at coral or invertebrates.

Firefish food and diet

As planktivores, Firefish do well feeding on prey that remains suspended in the water. You can feed them a wide variety of meats, including Mysis shrimp, black worms, and brine shrimp.

Firefish FAQs

How many Firefish can be kept together?

Firefish are potentially aggressive, but primarily toward others. This is why it’s best to keep only one Firefish in a single tank unless you plan on keeping a breeding pair.

Can firefish jump?

Yes, Firefish are jumpers like other dartfish. There are certain measures you can take to prevent the Firefish from leaping out of the tank, including adding a secure lid that keeps fish contained and decorations and plants that prevent the fish from gaining sufficient momentum to jump.

Do firefish bury themselves?

The Firefish loves to burrow, which is why you should keep one in a tank with a sandy substrate. These fish will bury themselves if they’re threatened or stressed, so if you notice your fish burrowing too frequently, you may want to look into the tank’s conditions to find out why.

Firefish price

The price of the Firefish will vary depending on the specific type of Firefish and the shop. You can find these fish for anywhere from around $15 to over $100. Do some shopping to find the right shop and the right price for you.

Firefish facts

The following are some interesting facts you might not have known about the Firefish:

  1. The Firefish is a very small fish that won’t grow beyond around two to three inches. As such, you won’t need a big tank for this fish, which is part of why it’s great for beginners.
  2. This fish goes by several names, including Firefish goby, fire goby, Magnificent dartfish, and Fire dartfish.
  3. You can keep two or more Firefish together in the same tank, but you’re better off limiting them to bonded pairs or single fish. One potential tank mate that can work with your Firefish is a Zebra dartfish, which is a close relative of the Firefish.

What other fish are the best tank mates for the Firefish?

It can be a little tricky finding the right tank mates for Firefish because of their behavior. While this fish is often peaceful and easy to get along with, it’s also fairly neurotic and can easily scare, so you want to find fish that aren’t too aggressive and won’t frighten your Firefish.

Some of the best tank mates for a Firefish include:

  • Yellow tang
  • Cherub angelfish
  • True Percula clownfish
  • Yellowtail Blue damselfish

On the other hand, you should avoid keeping your Firefish with Dottybacks, large clownfish, and Pygmy angelfish.

Where to buy Firefish

Looking for a Firefish to add to your tank? You’ll find this species at many stores online such as: The Firefish is a peaceful and hardy fish that’s easy to care for and pretty to look at, making it a great option to add to just about any tank. Whether you’re new to keeping fish or a veteran looking for something affordable and interesting to add, the Firefish can leave you satisfied.