Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet Care Guide
- Care Guide & Requirements
- Reef Safe
- Prices
- Food & Diet
- Facts
- FAQs
- Tank Mates & Environment
The Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet, or Gramma loreto, is a great beginner fish that’s easy to maintain and enjoyable to watch. Their combined appearance, relaxed nature, and ease of care make them among the most popular saltwater fish. You can find this fish in the wild in the tropical regions of the Atlantic Ocean, from the Gulf of Mexico to South America.
Here we’ll cover how to care for the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet.
Is the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet reef safe?
The Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet is reef-safe and won’t attack your tank’s coral. They’ll also ignore most other invertebrates. So, if you plan on having a reef tank, this fish is safe to add without any potential issues.
Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet food and diet
You can feed the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet just about any type of fish food. They can feed on everything from brine and Mysis shrimp to blackworms and frozen foods. You can also feed them pellets or flakes, though they prefer more conventional frozen and live food options.
Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet FAQs
Is the Royal Gramma shy?
The Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet is a relatively shy fish that doesn’t come out in the open that often. They like to spend a lot of their time taking shelter, which is why you should provide plenty of caves, overhangs, and coral.
What are the tank requirements for the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet?
It’s not hard to care for these fish because of their hardiness and resilience, which means your tank requirements won’t be hard to meet.
If you plan on keeping a single Royal Gramma, your tank doesn’t need to be more than 30 gallons. This size will give your fish ample space to swim. You should include a variety of coral or caves to give this fish plenty of shelter.
When it comes to water conditions, your temperature should be around 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, the water’s specific gravity should be 1.020 to 1.025 with a pH level of 8.1 to 8.4.
How long do Royal Grammas live?
The average lifespan of a Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet is approximately five to six years. They’ve been known to live considerably longer, but this is the lifespan you can expect with most. Proper care will maximize their longevity.
Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet price
If you want to buy a Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet, it won’t cost you too much in most cases. You can find them for as cheap as around $20, with some of the more expensive fish closer to $100. This makes this Basslet a perfectly inexpensive option for your aquarium.
Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet facts
The following are some interesting facts about the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet:
- Their average litter size is around four to 50 fish.
- They can grow up to three to four inches.
- Their conservation status is currently of “Least Concern,” which means their population is apparently healthy and stable.
What other fish are the best tank mates for the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet?
Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet fish do well with other fish, as they’re non-aggressive. This makes them ideal for placement with other non-aggressive fish. Some of the best tank mates for this fish include Clownfish, Angelfish, Jawfish, Boxfish, Hawkfish, Gobies, Filefish, and Rabbitfish.
However, you should keep more aggressive fish away from the Royal Gramma. This fish can generally hold its own against predators, but you should only keep other peaceful fish in the tank.
Where to buy Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet
If you want to buy Royal Gramma Fairy Basslets for your saltwater tank, there are plenty of places to look for them, including:
If you’re looking for a colorful, energetic, peaceful, and easily maintained fish to include in your saltwater aquarium, you can’t go wrong with the Royal Gramma Fairy Basslet.